Arsip untuk Februari 2011

Gulai Pakis

Makanan yang satu ini berasal dari daerah Tapanuli. Seperti gulai lainnya, ini sangat mantap rasanya.

Resep Bahan Gulai Pakis :

  • 200 gram daun pakis muda
  • 20 buah petai
  • 250 gram udang, buang kepalanya
  • 250 ml santan kental
  • 750 ml santan cair
  • 1 batang serai, memarkan
  • 3 lembar daun jeruk purut
  • 1-2 potong asam kandis
  • garam sesuai selera

Resep Bumbu Halus Gulai Pakis :

  • 10 buah cabai merah
  • 6 buah bawang merah
  • 1 sendok teh kunyit
  • 2 sendok teh jahe cincang
  • 3 sendok teh lengkuas cincang
  • garam sesuai selera

Cara Membuat Gulai Pakis :

  1. Didihkan santan cair, masukkan bumbu halus, serai, asam kandis, dan daun jeruk purut.
  2. Sambil tetap diaduk masukkan pakis, udang, petai, dan santan kental, masak sampai matang.
  3. Angkat, hidangkan.

Selamat mencoba

Add a comment 20 Februari 2011

Keeping Faith

Keeping Faith
is knowing that life is a gift,
and each day we have on earth is precious;

Keeping Faith
…is climbing above the clouds
and dancing on stardust;

Keeping Faith
is knowing the value of
friendship and love;

Keeping Faith
is seeing beauty and wonder in everything
like the light in every child’s eyes;

Keeping Faith
is appreciating all
living things beneath heaven;

Keeping Faith
is embracing the wisdom of our elders
and seeing the beauty in their hands;

Keeping Faith
is seeing angels soaring on celestial wings
and feeling their presence;

Keeping Faith
is knowing that what lives in the
heart is our greatest earthly value;

Keeping Faith
is knowing that those we love are
life’s greatest treasures;

Keeping Faith
is finding hope through trials,
and finding joy through pain;

Keeping Faith
is appreciating each tiny leaf
and each drop of snow;

Keeping Faith
is knowing that each dawn is a
chance to start anew;

Keeping Faith
is finding strength in who we are;

Keeping Faith
is having the courage to pick up
the pieces and try again;

Keeping Faith
is believing that wonderful things
are yet to happen
and that life is filled
with countless surprises;

Keeping Faith
is knowing that we’re not alone,
and that God is guiding each step;

Keeping Faith
is believing that miracles do happen
and dreams do come true;

Keeping Faith
means that all we ever
dreamed of is within reach
when we believe in God,
and in ourselves.

Add a comment 20 Februari 2011

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Februari 2011